The Chinese NMPA launched an initiative to "线上净网,线下清源"

A few weeks ago, the Chinese NMPA launched an initiative to “rectify internet cosmetic claims and make clear the responsibility for the safety of the original cosmetic product source (线上净网,线下清源)”

As part of that initiative, the Shandong Cosmetic Industry Association held an online conference to align businesses with the new regulations. 

ZMUni was invited to provide technical compliance support.  

The cosmetics rectification period in China has been confirmed, which will be from October 2021 till February 2022.

The NMPA initiative action conference in Shandong was launched last week. The themes of this meeting are:

加强 对化妆品电子商务经营者的法规培训

Increase the regulation training for cosmetics e-commerce operators in China.


Supervise the operator of cosmetics e-commerce platform and inspect their responsibilities to abide by the rules within the administrative area


Urge the cosmetics e-commerce operators to do the centralised and unified inspections on the cosmetics that are selling on their platforms


Supervise the cosmetics operators on the platform to show the comprehensive, true and accurate labels or information of their notified or registered cosmetic record

For further information please contact us: 


ZMUni Chinese Cosmetic Regulation Compliance Centre 中贸合规中心

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