EU - SCCS Released Opinion on Fullerenes in Cosmetic Products
On 24 April 2023, EU Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) released its preliminary opinion on the safety of Fullerenes in cosmetics products. The deadline for comments is 6 December 2023.
Having assessed the information provided by the Notifiers, and the information available from published literature, the SCCS has not been able to conclude on the safety of fullerenes and (hydrated) hydroxylated forms of fullerenes due to a number of uncertainties and data gaps in regard to physicochemical, toxicokinetic and toxicological aspects.
However, the available evidence indicates that hydrated forms of hydroxylated fullerenes are genotoxic and hence SCCS considers them as not safe for use in cosmetic products. The same concerns over genotoxicity potential also apply to hydroxylated fullerenes.
South Korea Revises Cosmetics Safety Standards
On 4 May 2023, South Korea the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) published the draft of the Regulation on Safety Standards of Cosmetics. This is open for comments until 4 July 2023.
In this draft, 7 hair dye ingredients, such as 2-amino-4-nitrophenol, are added to the prohibited list of cosmetic products. Additionally, the highest concentration allowed to be used is lowered for 2 hair dye ingredients, such as 2,4-diaminophenol hydrochloride.
Canada Introduces Groundbreaking Legislation to Ban Cosmetics Animal Testing
On April 2023, The Canadian government tabled measures through the Budget Implementation Act that would prohibit testing cosmetics on animals in Canada. The amendments would also prohibit selling cosmetics that rely on new animal testing data to establish the product’s safety and false or misleading labelling pertaining to the testing of cosmetics on animals.
Thailand Plans to Ban PFAS in Cosmetics
Thailand’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has responded to growing concerns on the use of ‘harmful chemicals’ in cosmetics by drafting a proposal to ban the use of PFAS in cosmetic products.
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