What do you know about the transition period of the NEW Chinesee cosmetic regulations (CSAR)?


What do you know about the #TRANSITION period of the #NEW #Regulations (#CSAR)


Today we present you 7 points you need to know about the #TRANSITION period and 2 tips by ZMUni.


Transitioning from old to current #registration and #notification platforms

📌1. From📅1 May 2021, applications for new #cosmetics may only be #registered or #notified through the new #registration and #filing platform

📌2. From📅26 August 2021, a "#notification data submission" may only be completed by the Company Account.

📌3. Before📅15 September 2021, the company or overseas #responsible person account must have completed the rectification as required. #Notifications not rectified or failing to meet the new #regulatory requirements by this date shall be cancelled by the #regulatory authorities.

📌4. From📅1 January 2022, #general cosmetics that have been #filed/ #notified under the new system for at least one year must be submitted on an annual report.

📌5. By📅1 January 2022, the temporary user authority system shall supplement the overview of the #quality management system and #adverse cosmetic reactions (#ACR) monitoring system

📌6. Before📅1 May 2022, the information for products #registered and #filed/ #notified on the original #registration #filing/ #notification platform must be supplemented with the following data: (product #executive standard, product #label sample, domestic general product formula, uploading sales package pictures of #special cosmetics, product classification code).

📌7. On📅30 November 2021, the original special system will be permanently shut down. 

 Complete the data #supplement at one time in combination with the specific review opinions issued before 📅30 November 2021; 

 If the data is not supplemented before 📅30 November 2021, after the original system automatically terminates the #declaration, the #registration application for the #special cosmetics shall be re-launched in the #cosmetics intelligent #declaration and review system.



1. The company account may authorize other accounts to log in to the system, but the authorized accounts cannot submit #notification materials

2. #General cosmetics must be submitted on the annual report; however, #special cosmetics are exempt from this requirement.



For more information please #contact us: info@zmuni.com


#cosmeticregulation #cosmeticindustry #cosmetics #China #cosmeticlaw #transitionperiod #newcosmeticingredients #NCI #filing #notification #CSAR #ZMUni


ZMUni Chinese Cosmetic Regulation Compliance Centre 中贸合规中心

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